Home World News China broke Buddhist statue, atrocities on Tibetans

China broke Buddhist statue, atrocities on Tibetans

China broke Buddhist statue, atrocities on Tibetans

The US State Department’s Office of International Religious Freedom has urged the Chinese administration to allow Tibetans to practice their religion and respect their rights

China recently demolished a 99-foot-tall Buddhist statue. Not only this, there have also been reports of atrocities on many Tibetan lamas who opposed this action of the Communist government in Sichuan province. The US State Department has expressed deep concern over the reports of Chinese atrocities on Tibetan Buddhists yesterday i.e. on January 13. The US has expressed regret about the way racial minorities and their culture are being systematically destroyed in China and asked China to desist from such a policy.

According to the news received, the Office of International Religious Freedom of the US State Department has requested the Chinese administration to allow Tibetans to follow their religion and respect their rights. This office of the State Department deals with matters related to the promotion of freedom and respect of the creed to all around the world under the foreign policy of the United States.

The US Office of International Religious Freedom tweeted that “we are deeply saddened by the news that the PRC’s action against Tibetan Buddhists has been increased, in which the authorities have vandalized Buddhist statues, removed Buddhist prayer circles and burnt religious prayer flags.” . We urge that the PRC authorities respect the right of Tibetans to freely exercise their faith and beliefs.”

The US Office of International Ecumenical Freedom condemned China’s “hatred” policy towards Tibetans and tweeted that “we are deeply saddened by the news of the PRC’s increase in action against Tibetan Buddhists, in which the authorities vandalized Buddha statues, Buddhist Prayer circles have been removed and religious prayer flags are lit. We urge that the PRC authorities respect the right of Tibetans to freely exercise their faith and beliefs.”

It is noteworthy that this tweet by the US State Department came especially after the news of the destruction of the iconic Buddhist statue of Tibetans in Sichuan province of China. Radio Free Asia reports that satellite images have confirmed the demolition of a statue of Maitreya Buddha at the Gaden Namyal Ling Monastery in Drago County in the Kardje Tibetan Autonomous Province.

On the other hand, China claims that it has broken the Buddhist statue for security reasons. According to sources, the temple where the above three-storey high statue of Maitreya Buddha was there has no means of protection from fire. But experts believe that these are just spurious reasons, in fact China has been engaged in racial scavenging of Tibetans for a long time. The closure of Buddhist monasteries, the imprisoning of lamas, and the removal of young Tibetans from their religious rites and education are all part of the dragon’s hateful policy.


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